Our Services
Environmental Consulting
Environmental impact assessment, permitting and mitigation
Construction Environmental Management Plans
Environmental monitoring
Erosion and sediment control planning and implementation
Project coordination and partnership development
Stewardship projects
Terrestrial wildlife and fish and aquatic resource studies
Juvenile and adult fish stock assessment
Fish habitat restoration, enhancement, and stock enhancement
Fish and amphibian salvage
Water quality monitoring and assessments
Harvest plan design & mapping, timber cruising, road construction designs, riparian management plans, terrain stability assessments, visual impact analyses, and archaeological impact assessments
Site plan preparation and implementation
Post-harvest activities: deactivation prescriptions, waste and residue surveys, fire hazard abatement prescriptions and pile burning
Project management: road and harvest operations, quality control and monitoring, log deliveries and sales
Safety and Environmental Program development and maintenance
Training & mentoring, including S100 fire suppression certification
Silviculture management from pre-harvest to free growing
Permit applications, acquisition, and tracking
Resource valuation and evaluation
Strategic planning, tenure administration, and policy review
Ecosystem description, mapping, and analysis
Employment bridging: planning & implementation
Liaison: resource agencies, stakeholders & First Nations
Project Management
We are more than just environmental and forestry, we also do whole project management including:
Project planning, implementation, cost control and reporting
Scoping and managing other professional disciplines (archaeologist/engineers/geotechnical)
First Nation treaty, economic development, mentoring, and capacity building
Work in support of the bio energy and fiber resource